In 2 days, it will be my 2nd New Moon living in Aotearoa, Koru. 4 weeks flew by in a wink. Life has not slowed down for me yet. Setting up a new home is not a job to be completed in a mere 4 weeks, however in these 4 weeks, I have learned quite a lot about myself and my family. I have OCD, an absolute control freak, I cannot stand mess. Chaos is fine, but I need them organised. I need structure, even in the tiniest details. I need to learn to let go, much much more, oh so much more. I need to learn to live life in a whatever mode state 90% of the time here. I learn to live with spiders, yes, spiders. Lots and lots of spiders and their webs. I got use to flying insects banging on my window trying to get in at nights. I learn to check the weather, so I know what exactly to wear, and yet I can still get it wrong. I am starting to hate shopping. Yes, you got that right. In a house where we have mostly nothing, we needed essentials, and the first 3 weeks had been doing just that. Shopping for essentials, groceries, bedding, towels, furniture, utensils, and so on. To add on to the chaos, we even picked up a new puppy – Patch. I learn to potty train on the lawn. Not as easy as pee pad training I can tell you that much. So yeah, that has been life in the last 4 weeks pretty much.

Patch - Our new puppy
Patch - Our new puppy

On the other hand, I have also attended partner yoga and a women’s circle and met up with wonderful people in the community. I am happy to find like-minded people on the same frequencies, although I still miss my jamming tribe in Singapore, I am happy to hear that they continued the monthly sacred music jams. I am still on the lookout for my sound and music tribe here. In divine timing I believe they will show up. After all, most of the synchronicites here have not failed to amaze me. Like how we were planning to visit a cheese factory to buy some cheese, only to end up in a gallery that sells all the incenses and resins and met an amazing medicine woman, a spiritual alchemist who works with plant medicine too. I’ve heard about her, and was planning to visit her shop as she was closing down, and somehow forgetting to plan the date to visit, I ended up there on the very last day of her gallery operations. That was no coincidence for sure. I shared with her my interest in shamanic sound journeying, and a customer heard it, and mentioned casually that as a customer, it would be something he would be very keen to attend, an incense making workshop with a shamanic sound ceremony. There we go, seeds planted, and perhaps something to manifest in the coming New Moon in Aquarius!

I have also received many comments from friends that I am so brave to take this leap, to relocate with the family, to fight for this dream. Honestly, I hear about people relocating all the time, and the idea of a major relocation does sound daunting, because there’s just so much to plan and do! So yes, it is scary, overwhelming, but yet exciting and amazing all at once. Fear is a part of us, and it is only when we embrace it fully, then we can become complete.

“Living with fear stops us from taking risks, and if you don’t go out on the branch, you are never going to get the best fruit.” ~ Sarah Parish​

Knowing what we want is the first step of manifesting, and the next step is taking the action to do it. This is a very basic concept of Moonology New Moon manifesting. Those of you whom joined my New Moon Ceremonies would have learned this in our circles. This relocation, this whole new life in a new home, in a whole new country has been manifested religiously over the last 22 months, that is more than 22 New Moons! So what I am saying here is, if there is something you really, truly desire, you need to do the work to manifest it from your heart continuously, until it happens. Sometimes they never do happen the way you wanted it, but it will always happen the way it is needed to be. I was manifesting for a home in the South Island, but yet things fell through, and somehow we ended up in the North Island with a home that is more than we ever could asked for. The workings of the Universe is beyond what we can fathom, and honestly, I quite enjoy finding out what’s next. Waking up to sounds of nature, being surrounded by nature and animals is all I could ever dreamed of.  20 years ago, this would never had crossed my mind. Looking out the window, I am constantly being reminded of our tiny existence, amidst this vast nature, and so so much to learn from them.

new sound healing studio Koru Oakura New Plymouth
Our new sound studio

I am looking forward to share my healing sounds with the community here, and any tourists who might pop into our humble retreat space, which I am naming it Rainbowls & Reiki River Retreat. We are still setting up the space, hopefully it will be ready by second quarter of 2025. Our studio is ready for classes, and welcome any wellness practitioners looking for a space rental or collaborations with sound healing to get in touch. Stay tune for more updates to come!

Psst: Check out our new WIP website. Events will roll in very soon!